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  • Writer's pictureH. Rick Goff

Rhythm of Life

We all have our own rhythm of life and no matter what economic standing or season of life you're in, the pandemic has affected that rhythm. While life can be unpredictable with few guarantees, your rhythm of life relies on a constant and steady beat or some degree of certainty. The pandemic has changed that rhythm and caused uncertainty which has led to fear in some people. We are not able to do things the way we were used to doing them. Work, school, Doctor appointments, grocery shopping, church, travel, and many other aspects of our lives have changed. The rhythm has gone from a steady beat to something off-beat and erratic. It is an unfamiliar rhythm that is requiring everyone to make adjustments. The narrative of the pandemic is real, but we don't all see and deal with its effects on our rhythm of life the same way.

I read a great perspective on the pandemic and the quarantine the other day on social media. It was entitled "We Are Not in The Same Boat" and the Author is apparently unknown. It was an inspirational article that is by far one of the most insightful reads I have had since the pandemic began. The second line "We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat" got my attention and inspired this essay. It helped me better understand how everyone has to adjust to their new rhythm of life from their unique perspective and on their own terms. I am in a season of life where my kids are grown and gone, so I don't have to worry about trying to help with high school math (or any level of math thank heaven). I am retired, so I don't have to worry about being laid off and worrying about my next paycheck. My adjustments to the pandemic are unique to my season and my rhythm of life.

A crisis doesn't hit home until it hits home! Covid 19 has hit home in a big way and everyone's rhythm of life has been affected by the shutdowns, stay at home guidance, and social distancing. But some have contracted the virus and survived, and right now over 70,000 Americans have not been so fortunate. The frustration, fear, and uncertainty caused by the pandemic has upset the rhythm of life for all of us to various degrees. But we are all still in this together and I firmly believe we will make it through if we are and stay united. We stay united by realizing the pandemic has caused a more erratic beat to the rhythm of life for some more than others. We stay united by reaching out and supporting those in a different boat than ours. We stay united by helping others whenever, wherever, and however we can. We stay united if we simply remember to be kind to one another!

NOTE--I don't really share much from social media but if you want to read "We Are Not in The Same Boat" google it!

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May 08, 2020

At every staff meeting I try and close with my team goal for the week. Be kind is my go to when I haven’t planned well enough or when Chaos rules the house. Thanks Rick!

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