The Giver only sees hope in a hopeless situation
No hesitation or second thoughts
The Giver gives
Without regret
The Giver gives
The Givers' heart is stirred when it senses a need
Sad commercial not necessary
The need is never to great for the Giver
Damage, destruction, tragedy are calling cards
The Giver is never deterred
The water is never to high, the fire is never to hot
The Giver knows a hand, a hug, a smile , make a difference
The Giver gives until it hurts but doesn't feel pain
Pain and suffering are the eternal enemy
Friends and strangers in need call
The Giver is at the door before the thought is finished
The spirit of the Giver is humble, gentle, kind
The Giver gives
The heart of the Giver is pure, full of care, and genuine concern for others
The Giver gives
The Giver ask for nothing and takes nothing in return
The Giver gives
The Giver is the hope in the midst of hopelessness
The Giver Gives