From childhood to adulthood, H. Rick Goff — speaker, adventurer, and author of A Gorilla Ridin’ on Half a Hot Dog — has been obsessed with fishing. It’s been one of the constants in his life, always there — when he was on active duty in the United States Air Force and post-military retirement as a business executive. As this book details, one of the top priorities during his many relocations and assignments was to find his next favorite fishing hole — the place he knew he could escape and recalibrate.
Born in the small town of Fitzgerald, Georgia, H. Rick Goff loves to fish. Not necessarily fishing in bass tournaments, wearing fancy fishing gear patches on his shirt, and owning a fast fishing boat, nor fishing for a living, like commercial fishermen. Just the simple pleasure of having a line in the water while waiting for the next bite, after making the perfect cast, in the perfect spot.
Fishing has linked H. Rick Goff to perfect strangers who would become fishing buddies. Some became lifelong friends, while others were great friends for only a season in his life. But the one thing they all shared was a common passion for fishing.
Available in Paperback and Kindle Ebook